Under God Not Right
Pledge Talk
Here's a place where I disagree with the Bush Administration. The phrase "under God" was specifically put into the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950's during a time when we were fighting the atheistic "Communist plague" around the world. It was supposed to promote God. Not the thing for government to do.
Ashcroft asks court to undo Pledge of Allegiance ban -- The Washington Times
The Bush administration and a California school district yesterday asked the Supreme Court to reverse the federal appeals court ruling that banned the reciting in schools of the Pledge of Allegiance with the phrase "one nation under God."
Attorney General John Ashcroft, who vowed to "spare no effort to preserve the rights of all our citizens to pledge allegiance to the American flag," said the appeal filed yesterday afternoon defends centuries of tradition.
For an explanation of the orign of the phrase "under God" in the Pledge, click here.
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