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Voting Issues

Sauce for the Goose - II

Similar to the way that Dems tried to manually adjust election in Florida in 2000 and in New Jersey in 2002, the Reps are trying to get an exception made in Illinois to current election law.

Illinois election law says that all presidential candidates must be certified 67 days prior to the election. The Rep convention is being held 61 days prior to voting day.

While not exactly analogous (Reps are trying to do this BEFORE the eleciton and are ASKING the right authorities instead of demanding it post facto, the Reps should work on getting the Illinois legislature to make the change. The courts and the State Board of Elections should stay out of it. If the legislature, who right the laws, doe snot see fit to make the change prior to next September, then the Reps need to play by the rules and find an alternative.

Law could keep Bush off ballot In November 2004, millions of people will go to the polls to vote for the next U.S. president. But if the Libertarian Party has its way, President George W. Bush may not be a choice for Illinois voters.

The Libertarian Party is challenging an effort by the Republican National Committee to bend a state election law that requires presidential candidates to be certified as nominees more than 67 days before a general election.

The Republican Party will nominate their candidate during its national convention Sept. 3, 2004, 61 days before the Nov. 2 general election. That candidate most likely will be Bush, who filed re-election papers last week and is not expected to face any significant challenges.