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Gun Control Issues

Gun Control Issues

Lots of bad mojo afoot when the Dems try to disarm law-abiding Americans. Then again, the Reps, at least at a federal level, have not done much to repeal the odious restrictions passed during the Clinton admin. Check it out.


Has the gun control (search) issue really disappeared? Some think that Democrats, chastised by the loss of the presidency of 2000 and the loss of the Senate in 2002, have learned the risk of supporting gun control the hard way. Some even argue that there is a more fundamental change in Democratic beliefs on gun control.

Yet, as Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi (search) recently said, Democrats (search) will wait and revisit the guns “when the issue is ripe.” . . . .

The lopsided coverage of the costs and benefits of guns in the media and the government ensures that the push for more regulations will not go away. In 2001, the three major networks -- ABC, NBC, and CBS -- devoted about 190,000 words’ worth of national television news stories on gun crimes but not one single story about someone using a gun to defend themselves or someone else. Even those who follow the news the closest are unlikely to know that when surveys of crimes committed with guns are compared with studies of defensive gun use, the best estimates indicate that people use guns defensively to stop crime 4.5 times more frequently than guns are used to commit crime. The only news network that carried any defensive gun stories that year was the Fox News Channel.