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US to ICC Supporters - Drop Dead

US to ICC Supporters - Drop Dead

Do you think that a Dem would have had the guts to do this? TGIB. The ICC want jurisdiction over US soldiers. Even soldiers sent in for UN peacekeeping missions. The upshot is that pretty much any country that is part of the ICC could accuse our troops of war crimes and force them to trial. Any country. France maybe? Wouldn't they love to be able to do that to the members of the US forces in Iraq. Anyway, Bush and the US diplomatic corps have been putting on a full court press to have countries sign articles which would exempt our troops from harm. The condition? If you don't sign the articles, we won't give you any money. Sounds fair to me. If we are going to pay for someone's stuff, we should be allowed to demand certain considerations in return for that money. If they feel that the demands are too odious, they have the option of demuring and not taking the money. Simple. And racist of course since a Rep is doing it. Read on.

U.S. Blocks Aid to Countries Supporting War Crimes Court

WASHINGTON — The United States is suspending military aid to about 35 countries in a dispute over an international war crimes tribunal (search).

Overall, about $48 million in aid will be blocked, according to State Department (search) spokesman Richard Boucher. Among the nations affected is Colombia, where some U.S. assistance for fighting drugs and terrorists could be in jeopardy.

The aid cutoff is because the countries failed to meet a Tuesday deadline for exempting Americans from prosecution before the new U.N. international war crimes tribunal.