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RIAA Has Stupidest Idea Ever

RIAA Has Stupidest Idea Ever

I'll be surprised if the RIAA receives even 100 "amnesty applications" out of the millions of online file sharers. Then again, this is probably just a public relations move so that they can step up prosecutions later on and claim, "But we gave them a chance to get amnesty" . . . .

Music Biz to Give File Sharers Amnesty

According to sources, the RIAA will not pursue legal action if infringers delete all unauthorized music files from their computers, destroy all copies (including CD-Rs) and promise not to upload such material in the future. Each infringing household member will have to send a completed, notarized amnesty form to the RIAA, with a copy of a photo ID. Those who renege on their promise will be subject to charges of willful copyright infringement.