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Thomas Sowell: A lynch mob gathers - I and II

Sowell On Defending Justice Brown

Thomas Sowell: A lynch mob gathers

Look to see Justice Brown portrayed as evil incarnate and a threat to the republic. Already the character assassins are throwing around words like 'extremist' and a conservative 'activist.' The truth has not cramped their style in the past and is unlikely to do so during the current confirmation hearings.

A lynch mob gathers: Part II

Justice Brown is just the opposite. Social agendas are not her business as a judge and the integrity of the law is. "The quixotic desire to do good, be universally fair and make everybody happy is understandable," she wrote in one of her opinions, where she dissented from a majority decision that she found "a little endearing." She added: "There is only one problem with this approach. We are a court."