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More on Controlling the Internet

More on Controlling the Internet

Imagine the US' "Fairness Doctrine" imposed on the internet. No company's servers could hold more conservative or libertarian content than liberal content. Not to mention what China and Cuba could do with international gov't control. The horror. The horror.

FOXNews.com - Politics - Critics Balk at Efforts to Place Internet in Global Grip

Critics of the global Internet idea say certain nations like China want to take away ICANN’s duties and place them under governmental auspices, along with increased control over security and content, placing freedom of press and individual freedom of expression at serious risk.

“Those governments don’t have any democracy or free speech, it’s dangerous and we’re trying to stop it,” said Julio Munoz, executive director of the Inter American Press Association in Miami. “Of course we are concerned they will try to manipulate the free flow of information.”