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NEWS: Judge Does Right Thing

NEWS: Judge Does Right Thing

Finally, a judge allowed that a non-PC religious point of view was equal in standing to the PC versions.

In a nutshell: a school has a homosexuality day including a panel of religious ministers that say homosexuality is ok. A student wanted to present her religion's view that homosexuality is not ok. She was denied. The judge ruled that the public school had to allow the presentation of the opposing view because to do otherwise is to violate the Establishment Clause of the Bill of Rights.

Now, I don't care about homosexuality. What a person does in their bedroom (short of forcing or harming others, of course) is their business. What's important here is that a judge looked at the words of the Constitution as it is written instead of as they wished it were written.

One small victory for strict constructionism! Yeah!

FOXNews.com - The O'Reilly Factor - Interview - A Rare Victory for Christians