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MRC: Deserter Charge Unfounded

MRC: Deserter Charge Unfounded

Moore Blasts Jennings On "Deserter" Bush, Nets Undermine Charge --2/3/2004-- Media Research Center

On Sunday’s World News Tonight, Geoff Morrell undermined the criminal claims made by Moore and McAuliffe about Bush supposedly not showing up for Guard duty for a few months in 1972/73, four years into a six year hitch: “In the 2000 campaign, Democrats tried to make an issue of George W. Bush's service in the National Guard, but their nominee never went so far as to accuse him of being absent without leave, a serious charge subject to court-martial. Reporters investigating Mr. Bush's military career found that, while he missed some weekends of training, he later made up for them and was eventually honorably discharged.