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Bush's Ads

Bush's Ads

UPDATE: I just heard a new hour's report and they had Karen Hughes (this had been on before and I had forgotten, mea culpa; consider this the correction), a Bush spokeswoman say it was respectful. They also mentioned that the firefighters were "loyal to Kerry". This I do remember was the first time I had heard them mention this since early this morning.

I have watched the ads.

I have heard the ABC radio news mention them in every hour's news update.

I have heard them highlight how the wife of a 9/11 victim thinks it's a bad thing to include a scene of a flag draped body being carried from the wreckage by some firefighters.

I have heard them say that "firefighters also condemn the ad".

Funny how they never highlight people who think that Dem commercials are wrong.

I know people who have disliked commercials run by Kerry, the DNC, or Moveon.org, etc. But I have never heard, even once, the ABC Radio News quote someone who thinks they are wrong.

Funny, that.

As for the firefighters, ABC mentioned, early in the morning, that it was a firefighters union in NY (I believe that's correct, if anyone knows the particular group, please let me know and I will update this post) who disliked the ad. But all they have said for the past several hours has been that "firefighters" disagreed. A subtle shift to be sure, but psychologically significant for the majority of people who either did not hear the earlier admission of specificity or have not noticed and are simply taken in by the blanket implication that all firefighters think the ad, and thus Bush, is morally wrong.

Bush-Cheney '04 Announces First Television Ads