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Predictions 04-04

Predictions 04-04

  1. When the US pulls out of Iraq in June, the MEDIA, as part of the Dems political machine, will claim that Iraq is being left in the lurch . . . despite the decrying of "nation building" now going in the MEDIA and by Dems.
  2. During the transition period, we will once again hear the "Arabs are not culturally ready for democracy" line from those libs who accuse Reps of being racists and then don't recognize it in themselves.
  3. John Kerry will continue to blame outsourcing as the bugbear that is costing the nation jobs. The Reps will respond to this by passing yet another Dem bill; this one aimed at making it illegal to outsource jobs overseas. This will, in turn, cost the US consumer BILLION$ until it is repealed. It will also slow the economic recovery.
  4. Bush will continue to portray Kerry as a flip-flopping, tax-and-spend liberal. As opposed to his straight-talking, untax-and-still-spend conservatism.
  5. The polls will continue to show Bush gaining on, and passing, Kerry in many if not most states. The MEDIA will blame this on negative campaigning. Any Kerry resurgence will be attributed to his personal magnetism and the popularity of his message. It will certainly NOT be attributed to the one-new-attack-a-day and float-rumors-without-proof-then-call-for-an-investigation theme of the Dem's campaign apparatus.
  6. By the end of April, Richard Clarke will on the lips of only the most partisan of Dems. Even the Kerry campaign will only mention him occassionally. Everyone else will have realized that he has made numerous contradictory statements and is a Dem supporter looking to make money on his book. Only Moveon.org, Democratic Underground.com, and other far-left folks will still think he's a big deal.
  7. Al Qeada will step up their attacks in hopes of making the Americans run. They will mutilate a soldier's body or torture a captured soldier (and broadcast it), in an effort to turn the US citizenry against the War on Terror. It will work on those who already hate Bush, but Bush will hold his ground and step up action against those responsible.
  8. Kerry will anounce another $100 billion or so in federal programs he wants to start when he is elected. The Reps will call him on it and the MEDIA will say this is dirty campaigning.
  9. more to come . . . . . . . . . .