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Surely No Media Bias in this One

Surely No Media Bias in this One

If all those "ill-informed" conservative radio hosts out there could figure out that the September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows group is a hardcore partisan activist group funded (indirectly) by the Heinz Endowments?

Here's an article from a Rep consultant, Jay Bryant. Can the Left deny the facts presented here that Kerry's wife's foundation funded this proven left-wing group?

Extremists Behind Attack on Bush Ads

The outrageous attack on President Bush's television commercials was the work of an extreme left-wing group that has been in the forefront of the battle against the War on Terrorism for years, but you'd never know it from the coverage it has received in the establishment news media.

By picking up the charge, rather than reporting on its dubious source, the media have done major damage to the President's campaign, which compounded the problem by "defending" the ads, rather than exposing the hateful anti-Americanism of those who attacked them. . . .

What has Peaceful Tomorrows been up to since its formation in the weeks following 9/11? They condemned the "invasion" of Afghanistan, supported Dennis Kucinich's bill to gut the Patriot Act, and sent a delegation to Iraq to meet with Tariq Assiz and participate in a peace demonstration organized by Saddam Hussein's government. . . .

Peaceful Tomorrows is an official project of the Tides Foundation, an umbrella organization formed in 1976 to launder money to what has grown to some 350 left-wing groups throughout the world. Among the chief financial backers of Tides is the Heinz Endowments, the foundation run by Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of you-know-who. Mrs. Kerry set up a Tides franchise in Pittsburgh.

That pretty much completes the loop, doesn't it?

A right-wing organization that did what Tides does would long ago have been exposed by the media, but there are no Pulitzers for investigative reporting against liberals.