Boortz on the Internet and the UN: a Love Story
The Internet and the UN: a Love Story
As in "the UN would LOVE to get its hands on control of the Internet." This is something everyone reading this should be concerned about.
Once control is ceded to the UN, they will be able to do things like shut down Blogger and Blogspot. Why? Because many people who use these sites promote ideas antithetical to UN principles and goals.
Do YOU truly want to leave your access to information in the hands of a group that kicked the US off the Human Rights committee while allowing Libya and Syria to sit on, and even HEAD, same? Yeah, that's a group with it's priorities straight and they would NEVER consider doing something to restrict US citizens.
These are the same folks who want to ban handguns . . . EVERYWHERE for EVERYONE. Exceptions made only for gov'ts.
To be sure, the UN Human Rights Declaration offers lip-service to basic freedoms. Article 19 reads: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
So, Boortz, how in the world can you say that the UN would initiate a campaign to control Internet content when its own Human Rights Declaration guarantees the freedom to “impart information and ideas through any media and regardless to frontiers.”
Grab your handy copy of the Declaration and read on … read on to Article 29. Section 3. No … wait. I’ll just print it here for you to read: “These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”
Well, so much for Article 19. It seems your right to freedom of opinion and expression is wholly dependent on just whatever the purposes and principles of the United Nations might be at that particular time. And this is Bill Clinton’s idea of the best document ever written promoting the idea of human freedom? Has he never read something called the Declaration of Independence?
The United Nations is no friend of freedom .. and its eyes are on your Internet. If operational control of this fantastic source of information is ever transferred to the United Nations you can rest assured that Article 29, Section 3 will be used to destroy what we enjoy so much today.
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