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Tax Cuts Boost Revenues

Pray This Goes Through . . .

Frist to push bigger tax cut -- The Washington Times

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, after meeting with President Bush yesterday, said he will push for a tax cut higher than the $350 billion limit he had promised two weeks ago.

"We want to fight for as high a number as possible," Mr. Frist, Tennessee Republican, told reporters after a 45-minute meeting between top Republican congressional leaders and the president.

He said a $550 billion tax cut — the number House leaders and the president have endorsed — "is a goal we'll shoot for."

For great analyses of how tax cuts effect the economy, click

here (NCPA Both Sides page), or

here (NCPA Issues-Taxes page), or

here (The Heritage Foundation), or

here (OpinionJournal.com - Pete Du Pont), or

here (Citizens Against Government Waste).

Finally, please check out FairTax.org for a well reasoned alternative to the current tax structure.
