Taranto on WMD
Taranto on WMD
The eighth item from today's Best of the Web is a very nice summary of current WMD rumurs and their effect.
OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today
The Road to Damascus
'A leading Syrian dissident,' Nijar Nijjof, claims that 'Saddam Hussein's chemical and biological weapons were smuggled out of Iraq' and 'hidden at three sites in Syria,' reports the Press Association, a British wire service.
The Washington Post reports that National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice 'said the administration is investigating a report that Iraq stashed weapons of mass destruction across the border in Syria,' but Rice was cautious: 'I don't think we are at the point that we can make a judgment on this issue. There hasn't been any hard evidence that such a thing happened. But obviously we're going to follow up every lead, and it would be a serious problem if that, in fact, did happen.' From the Bush administration's perspective, the best time to find hard evidence would be after Howard Dean has won the Democratic nomination.
The Los Angeles Times, meanwhile, reports that ' U.S. officials have found evidence corroborating the Bush administration's allegations that Russian companies sold Saddam Hussein high-tech military equipment that threatened U.S. forces during the invasion of Iraq last March.' Recall that Moscow has a veto on the U.N. Security Council, the body whose 'permission' Dean and other doves would have demanded America secure before liberating Iraq.
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