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Cavuto: Rich Dems Should Pay More Taxes

Cavuto: Rich Dems Should Pay More Taxes

. . . Voluntarily. If rich Dems, especially Dems running for president, truly think that the problem is that the Bush tax cuts are keeping needed monies away from wholesome and totally altruistic social programs, they should pony up and pay as much in taxes THIS YEAR as they want the rich to pay next year.

FOXNews.com - Your World w/ Neil Cavuto - Common Sense - A Taxing Proposition

Now to be fair, most candidates aren't for rescinding all the tax cuts - just those for upper income folks. That might, or might not happen.

But you know what I say? Don't wait. Put your money where your mouth is 'now.'

Since all these guys are pretty rich, I say, do what you want the rich to do: If you feel guilty keeping that tax cut, give it back.

If you don't think you deserve it, give it to your social programs you obviously think 'do' deserve it.

If you're worried about deficits you insist tax cuts -- and not your own boondoggle spending create -- then surrender your cut, and rev up your spending.