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Taranto Nails It

Taranto Nails It

James Taranto of OpinionJournal.com's Best of the Web absolutely NAILED it on Wednesday.

Liberals sometimes claim to believe in personal freedom, but their concept of liberty seems limited to matters related to sex. If a man wants to marry a man or a woman wants to have an abortion, they're fine with that. The Associated Press reports that "a 35-year-old Frenchwoman became both bride and widow when she married her dead boyfriend, in an exchange of vows that required authorization from the French president," and we expect liberals would regard any objection to such an arrangement as hopelessly benighted. Live and let live, even if you're dead.

Yet outside the sexual realm, liberals are downright illiberal. They want to control every aspect of our lives: what we eat, what we smoke, what we drive, how we defend our homes and families, how much of our own money we're allowed to keep.