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Ad Hominem Challenge

Ad Hominem Challenge

To date, not a single person on the Left has taken up my challenge. Mostly because they know that they cannot meet it's requirements. But I still want the point to be made: the Dems and the Left are often engaged in the odious practice of directly attacking the person rather than his or her record. They call people names, float incredulous trheories without any proof, and generally demonstrate all that is the worst in American politics. And I mean MAJOR, HIGH PROFILE, Dems and Lefties, not just the far-left folks at democraticunderground.com.

Reps do not do so. While they are not perfect, you cannot find a SINGLE incidence of a HIGH_RANKING, OFFICIAL REP representative who has done the same. That's my challenge.

Here's a re-issue of that challenge:

Ad Hominem Challenge Update

Last week I posted a challenge to my liberal friends to supply me with a single cite of Rep attacks. Here's what I said:

A challenge to the Left: find me ONE, just ONE, instance of Bush or another Senior Administration Official calling Kerry names. I don't mean saying that he did such and such as a Senator. I mean calling him "crooked" or a liar or some other ad hominem attack. Just ONE pure ad hominem attack.

I am extending that challenge and offering an incentive:

Find me one high-ranking Rep OFFICIAL (equivalent on the Rep side as Gore, Kerry, Dean, etc. are to the Dems) who has called Kerry and compatriots names and engaged in outright ad hominem attacks.

Find me one verifiable cite, WITH SOURCE MATERIAL FOR CHECKING IT OUT, and I will put a link to your site at the top of my blogroll and encourage everyone who visits this page to go a read your site daily.

Are you up to it Media Revolution or Rickfman or any of my other liberal (oh, sorry, I mean "progressive," isn't that the current euphemism?) readers?