My Impression of the Hare
My Impression of the Hare
I know, I know. I am terribly late in picking up on this.
In a fit of self-absorption, I was Googling for "The Art of The Blog" and "TAoTB" and came acrose Glenn Reynolds article about what makes a blog good. It linked to an old Lileks piece deconstructing an article in Britain's far-left Guardian.
Damned funny stuff.
The best part?
Here's the deal: we don?t need your support. But understand that if Iraqis had flown planes into Big Ben, we?d take out Saddam, because we understand that an attack on you is an attack on us. The West is not defined by Belgian edicts on acceptable levels of tomato sauce viscosity. The West is a set of ideas that need defending. Forgive us our passable wines; forgive our standardized veal. Forgive us our simple-mindedness, for we - from Alabama on outward to outer, distant Alabama and beyond - have a gut feeling that ?quarrels? usually boil down to two sides. Forgive us for believing that fascism's side ought to lose.Enjoy! =)
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