Clarke Lied and the Lying Liar who Lied Lying Lied
Clarke Lied and the Lying Liar who Lied Lying Lied
Boortz brings up a GREAT bit to use in an discussion of Dick Clarke's claims.
Neal Boortz on Clarke's Claims
(BTW - after today, 4-06-04, you can click the original link and find the archive of today for the post.)
You are former president Bill Clinton. Your chief anti-terrorism guy, Richard Clarke, says that Al Qaeda was an absolute top priority during the final years of your term. In fact, Richard Clarke writes a book and testifies under oath telling everyone who will listen how focused you were on Al Qaeda while you were president.
So .. it's the end of your eight years in the White House. December, 2000. You are writing a report detailing your views on the major security threats facing the United States as you leave office. The report, which Richard Clarke helped you write, is 45,000 words long. That would be 168 pages using Microsoft Word, and if published as a book it would be about 220 pages long. Now that's quite a lot of words describing what you think are the major security concerns the next president needs to be aware of. And guess what? In all of those 45,000 words you don't mention the name "Al Qaeda" even one time. The greatest security concern facing America; isn't that what Richard Clarke said? And you don't even mention it one time in your report? Richard Clarke says that Condi Rice looked confused when he mentioned Al Qaeda ... but he didn't manage to get any reference to Al Qaeda included in your final report on security threats?
UPDATE: Here's a link to the Washington Times article on the subject: Al Qaeda absent from final Clinton report - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics
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