Air America Morning Show
Air America Morning Show
Oh my god this is boring.
I am listening to it on the internet on 620 AM.
They have a woman with a very pleasant British accent interviewing Sandy Berger. Pushing him relentlessly to say that Bush has screwed up and is responsible for 9-11. TO his credit, Berger seemed to keep _most_ of his comments on facts rather than left-wing attacks.
It's all very left-wing . . . which, believe it or not I could not care less about. More power to 'em. We need discourse and disagreement. Total agreement on everything leads to stagnation.
But GEEZ is this boring.
So far the only "humor" I've heard was a skit about papers found at Dunkin' Donuts (a spin of the papers found at Starbucks). I hope Franken didn't write those jokes. Ugh.
The biggest problem, IMO, is that they seem to be very uncomfortable on the air. Maybe it's a lack of material and unease about what they should do because of it.
I wonder what their experience is in radio . . . if it is extensive, I am impressed with the generosity of their former employers.
Like most shows that don't have enough material, they seem to be planning on having lots of guests on the show including Gen. Wesley Clark and Pat Buchanan. Interesting. . . . developing.
10:17 AM Central - current topics: jokes about Bush blaming the Civil War on Clinton, that whacky Terror Alert Level color coding system, backpacks on trains exploding (semi-serious about this one) - except for the Indiana Jones reference I guess.
Maybe their on-air uncomfortableness is because this is their second show ever. Didn't they practice this stuff in the months prior to coming on-air?
The Wesley Clark interview included lots of questions about the bodies in Fallujah (even being compared to the LA Riots).
Q: "Do you think it's true that the US military CAN'T do something about this?" (emphasis added)
A: I think that the US military can and will do something about this. (general idea, not a quote)
10:39 AM Interview with Pat Buchanan
Lead-in: Buchanan is, to liberals a "Prince of Darkness" . . . no problem with this, believe it or not. It was said in a joking fashion. But is was followed up with a joke that maybe he is actually the "Prince of Whiteness" (the commentator, Mark Riley, is black).
If a white commentator said this about a famous, if fringe, liberal, he would immediately be attacked as a racist, even though it was delivered as a meant as a joke.
I think it should be left alone since it WAS a joke.
But I will be interested to see if ANY media outlet reports this. You KNOW that a white commentator would be crucified.
All in all, the were all three very respectful to Mr. Buchanan and did not interrupt him or raise their voice or anything. Well done, on that point.
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