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"Screw Her"

"Screw Her"

This girl needs to be punished now.

Too bad they'll most likely let her off with a handslap and a "strong talkin' to."

Coed Hoaxer to Try For Plea Bargain

"She obviously is dealing with a lot of trauma related to this, she's going through a very difficult time. She's having both some emotional and some physical problems to deal with as you might expect somebody who's gone through something like this," Hopper said after appearing in court.
Yep, the old "I did this to myself but you should forget it and let me skate since I am so pitiful" technique. Sorta like the "I murdered my parents; have mercy on me because I'm an orphan" strategery.

To misquote Kos, "Screw her."
Asked about the possibility of a plea bargain, Blanchard said his office always tries to reach an agreement "if that can be done in the interest of justice and reaching a fair result. ... We'll see if that's possible with this case."
Sure it is . . . toss her in jail for a while. That's be fair.
Hundreds of people from Madison and Seiler's hometown searched for her after she disappeared, and her claim about an armed man touched off a major manhunt that authorities said cost the police about $96,000.
In addition, she should have to pay back the city its costs and pay each of the searchers minimum wage for each hour they searched. Maybe she should pay the businesses that lost man-hours to the search for their lost productivity, too.