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Balko: Vote Dean!

Balko: Vote Dean!

In a satirical piece to prove his point, Richard Balko tells readers to vote for Howard Dean.

FOXNews.com - Views - Straight Talk - Vote Dean, Light GOP Fire

So, back to Howard Dean. More than a year into the primary campaign, it’s clear now that of the nine candidates vying for the Democratic nomination, Howard Dean seems to irritate Republicans most. He’s been the subject of the most press releases from the Republican National Committee, and attacks on him have popped up in conservative publications like the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, National Review and the Weekly Standard. The mere mention of his name spikes Rush Limbaugh’s (search) blood pressure. His supporters seem to be the very kind of youngish, hipster, anti-war, Volvo-driving types that send red-tied GOPers into a tizzy.

It really doesn’t matter to me if the Republicans limit the size of government out of principle or spite, I just want them to do it. Recent history suggests that for the GOP, the stronger motivator is spite. So if you truly care about limited government, help the Republicans rediscover their principles in election 2004.

Vote for Howard Dean.