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This Just In: Reporters Have Political Beliefs

This Just In: Reporters Have Political Beliefs

It's interesting how this article, in the reportedly liberal Washington Post, uses 4 examples at the beginning of the story. The tally: 1 (the first) is an NBC exec giving to the Dems. The following 3 are FoxNews and WSJ folks giving to Reps.

In an effort to appear fair, the article lists many reporters/news types who donated to the Dems toward the end of the first page and the beginning of the second.

Total counts: 22 donations to Dems. 10 to Reps.

Obivously, this is nnot the whole acocunt of who gave what to whom; I just thought it interesting that if you only read the first three or four paragraphs, as many people do, you would be left with the impression that it was those nasty Reps that were being contributed to more often.

Journalists Not Loath to Donate To Politicians (washingtonpost.com)

More than 100 journalists and executives at major media companies, from NBC's top executive to a Fox News anchor to reporters or editors for the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, CBS and ABC, have made political contributions in recent years.

The most interesting quote from the article?

Christopher Schroeder, a Washington Post Co. vice president who stepped down in January as chief executive of Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive, gave $1,000 to Bush's presidential campaign in 1999, before being promoted to run the online operation. He said he stopped donating after accepting that post. "You'll not find anyone who's a firmer believer and supporter of the church-and-state separation than I am," Schroeder said.

As if Giving to the Reps somehow violated the "Separation Clause".

I think I understand what he was saying (that he believes in the necessity of separating two ideals - in this case journalism and perceived preference) but the point could have been made another way.