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CIA Knew of 9-11 Individual 1.5 Years Prior

CIA Knew of 9-11 Individual 1.5 Years Prior

I am curious . . . who says that they "considered the information . . . valuable" and when did they feel that way?

Maybe they let the CIA know immediately that this was a HOT tip and should be followed up on. Then again, maybe they simply handed over the info, among the other bits of info shared between the agencies, and only now cliam that they felt then that it was "valuable".

C.I.A. Was Given Data on Hijacker Long Before 9/11

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 — American investigators were given the first name and telephone number of one of the Sept. 11 hijackers two and a half years before the attacks on New York and Washington, but the United States appears to have failed to pursue the lead aggressively, American and German officials say. . . .

The Germans considered the information on Mr. Shehhi particularly valuable, and the commission is keenly interested in why it apparently did not lead to greater scrutiny of him.