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Robert Reich on Air America

Robert Reich on Air America

Franken and Co. played a tape of an Ernst & Young consultant advising a company to move it's headquarters offshore so as to take advantage of tax savings.

They went on to complain that this was immoral. How dare they try to avoid the unfair tax and regulatory burden placed on corporations by the Federal gov't.

"You [companies] owe it to this country to pay what is due to this country," said Reich, displaying the Left's penchant for thinking that any monies available are gov't monies which you simply haven't handed over yet.

They decided that is was hypocritical for someone to claim to be patriotic and accept that corporations would do such a thing.

They blamed high middle class taxes on it, as well. (And here I thought that they were supporting the guy would RAISE taxes . . . hmmmmmmm.)

Overall, they made this sort of running from confiscatory taxes out to be the fruit of the devil.

Sorry, but when will the Left figure out that you CANNOT tax a corporation? ALL companies pass increased taxes and fees on to consumers in the form of higher costs for their goods or services.

Not to mention that these are the same people who complain about job loss. How many fewer people would be employed by corporations who pay too much in taxes? These same corporations who flee the US's confiscatory tax structure and thus pay less in taxes can afford to not only employ more people but also pay each employee more. YES the corporate shareholders and directors make more money via savings in tax payments . . . but much of that same savings get's funneled back into the company to pay for overhead, expansion, R&D, etc.