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Scary Kerry Supporter

Scary Kerry Supporter

North Korea warms to Kerry presidency bid


Slate: Kerry's Back and Forth

Slate: Kerry's Back and Forth

WOW- this one is good.

A table full of QUOTES and FACTS demonstrating Kerry's waffling on important issues.

John Kerry's Waffles

Here, then, since John Edwards was too polite to mention them (though President Bush won't be), is a guide to some of Kerry's other reversals on substantive issues.

Here, then, since John Edwards was too polite to mention them (though President Bush won't be), is a guide to some of Kerry's other reversals on substantive issues. This list doesn't include quickly withdrawn gaffes, such as Kerry's recent suggestion (retracted after an uproar from Jewish groups) that he might make James Baker or Jimmy Carter his Middle East envoy. It doesn't include long-renounced youthful indiscretions, such as his proposal after returning from Vietnam to eliminate most of the CIA. It doesn't include less clear-cut sins of omission and opportunism, such as his stirring denunciations of companies caught in accounting frauds, even though he supported a 1995 law protecting those companies from liability. And it doesn't include the inevitable fund-raising hypocrisies that accompany all modern campaigns, such as his donations from some of the "Benedict Arnold" companies he routinely rips on the trail, or his bundling of contributions from special interests despite his high-minded rejection of PAC money. Even so, the list is long, and it isn't all-inclusive. Kerry's supporters cite his reversals as evidence of the senator's capacity for nuance and complexity, growth and change. His critics say they represent a fundamental lack of principles. Either way, we'll be hearing a lot about them over the next eight months.

MRC on Media's Treatment of Kerry

MRC on Media's Treatment of Kerry

Yep. You guessed it: Kerry is only a liberal in Rep eyes. NO one else would see him that way but his political enemies.A Liberal Candidate Gets Media Makeover

An MRC study of every weekday morning and evening broadcast news show since Iowa found ABC, CBS and NBC reporters presented the “Kerry is a liberal” concept as a GOP charge 27 times, compared with just three occasions when reporters stated Kerry’s ideology as a matter of fact. (Five other stories discussed Kerry’s liberal bent, but didn’t cite Republicans or present the idea as beyond dispute.) . . .

The networks made it seem as if calling Kerry a liberal could somehow not be true. On the February 4 NBC Nightly News, Campbell Brown argued that “Republicans...are hoping to paint Kerry as the liberal Senator from the only state in the country that allows gay couples to wed.” Over on the CBS Evening News, Jim Axelrod hit the same theme: “Remember Willie Horton, an issue that made ‘Michael Dukakis,’ ‘Massachusetts liberal’ and ‘out of touch’ synonymous? Clearly, John Kerry doesn’t want another Mr. Bush using a different issue to paint the same picture.”

During Campaign 2000, network evening news reporters put the “conservative” label on George W. Bush 19 times, but never once called Al Gore a “liberal.” This year, those same reporters seem ready to help John Kerry hide his liberal pedigree.

North on Dems and Dictators

North on Dems and Dictators

Ollie North gives some facts and figures (and sarcasm) about how some Libs have treated Hussein, Castro, and Aristide.

Democrats and Dictators

Last week is a case study in liberal support for dictators. First, it was none other than Saddam Hussein. Despite numerous reports of the Iraqi dictator's bloody atrocities, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton felt it necessary to speak up on his behalf -- commending his treatment of women!

Could Mrs. Rodham be unaware of the mass graves containing the bodies of thousands of Iraqi women and their children, documented by Fox News and others? Is she oblivious of reports showing that during Saddam's reign of terror, more than 200 women were beheaded and their families were forced to display their severed skulls on stakes in front of their homes? Hasn't the junior senator from New York heard of the thousands of women who were raped by members of Saddam's family and the Iraqi security services? How did she miss the photos and videotape of Iraqi women and girls who had been singled out for beatings and torture with hot branding?

But maybe those things don't matter to Clinton. In a speech to the Brookings Institute last week, she described Saddam as "an equal opportunity oppressor," and then went on to lament the heady days under his watch when Iraqi women "went to school, they participated in the professions, they participated in government and business." "And," this liberal champion of women's rights pointed out, "as long as (Iraqi women) stayed out of (Saddam's) way, they had considerable freedom of movement."

Mrs. Rodham went on to condemn the U.S.-lead coalition efforts to build democracy overnight in Iraq. But, she praised the United Nations' 12-year-long attempts to "nurture democratic movements" in the Balkans, something she defended as a "time-taking task." She failed to mention that the Balkan operation costs more than $1.5 billion per year.

Goldberg: Deficits Are Non-Issue

Goldberg: Deficits Are Non-Issue

I've been saying this for years but no one wants to hear it. It's an economic reality. folks.

It would be great to have zero deficit and debt, BUT, if people are still willing to lend you money when you need it, then it doesn't really matter.

Don't get me wrong - I WANT Congrefs to reduce spending and thereby reduce the deficit. But that desire is motivated primarily by a desire to see the gov't shrink and to see it take less and less of our money. Not by a fear that the deficit will kill the country.

Plus, when you look at it as percent of GDP (the only way that it makes sense), this deficit is MINUSCULE - 2.8%.

Imagine that you make $4000 per month . If you ran a 2.8% deficit, that would be a WHOPPING $112.

Now, it would be better to run a surplus, no doubt. But if it were GUARANTEED that someone would continue to lend you money any time you needed it, it would not really be a big deal.

What about interest payments? you say.

There are two answers to that.

  1. If your income continues to go up, and interest rates stay low, then you can easily mange them.
  2. If you are running this deficit to pay for health care, for example, rather than extra pizzas per month, then you don't really mind the trade off, do you?

This deficit is brought to you primarily as a result of over spending by Congress and the President. Anybody remember the Medicare Prescription Benefit? Or the War on Terror and in Iraq?

In the end, the deficit will not matter to those who think through it. To unthinking, easily scare-able folks, it will be huge.

Deficits don't matter

I don't want a huge federal government because I don't want a huge federal government, not because we're borrowing too much money. Whether or not Sweden has a balanced budget has precisely zero impact on my lack of desire to live there.

There's a long list of reasons why big government is wrong: a big government is inefficient; it saps individual initiative; it imposes Washington's values on a vast nation of free people; it makes us all employees of the state and so on.

I agree that a big deficit belongs on that list, but not anywhere near the top of it.

Charon: Bush Should Attack

Charon: Bush Should Attack

No more Mr. Nice guy

Frankly, it is difficult to think of a single instance during his time in office that George W. Bush has said anything stinging or even partisan about the party that has demonized him without pause for three and half years. He has never used expressions like "the Democrat attack machine," nor impugned the motives or character of those who disagree with him. As Deroy Murdoch of Scripps Howard wrote in 2001, "If Bush turns the other cheek any more, his head will fall off." . . .

So as the 2004 campaign gears up, President Bush can drop the Mr. Nice Guy approach. They're going to hate him anyway, so he might as well fight like a cougar.


Junk Science: Antibacterial Scare

Junk Science: Antibacterial Scare

FOXNews.com - Views - Junk Science - Antibacterial Reports Cause Public Health Scare

The products, after all, are called anti-b-a-c-t-e-r-i-a-l-s. They work on b-a-c-t-e-r-i-a ? not viruses. Antibacterial products are designed and marketed for, and can only reduce the risk of, illness from bacteria, not from viruses.

The researchers, in fact, admitted (in the fine print) that their study “did not preclude the potential contribution of these products to reducing symptoms of bacterial diseases in the home.”

Moreover, the study didn’t really prove that antibacterials don’t reduce the overall incidence of infectious disease. The number of households included in the study was small. The researchers aren’t sure that the antibacterial products were used regularly or correctly. The researchers don’t know the causes or sources of the reported illnesses. One can, after all, contract an infectious disease outside the home. . . .

Larson stated on the program that the purpose of her research ? the first of its kind ? was two-fold: “Do those who have used anti-bacterial products have less of a risk of infectious disease than those who don’t?" and “Do those who use an anti-bacterial product on their skin have the emergence of [bacteria more resistant] to something like Triclosan (the active ingredient in most antibacterials)?"

The good news ? not reported by the media or Larson herself ? is that the study produced no evidence that antibacterial products are producing bacteria that are resistant to Triclosan or antibiotic drugs.

Mike Adams on UNC Bias

Mike Adams on UNC Bias

Welcome to UNC Gomorrah

Before the day is over, I plan to write to the UNCG Development Office to ask why people should donate to a university that funds pornographic speech while suppressing the speech of conservatives. For that purpose, I will use the following contact information:

1100 W. Market Street
PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
Phone: 336-334-5677 (Toll free: 1-877-641-8276)
Fax: 336-334-5319

We all need to send a message to our irresponsible and corrupt educational leaders. That message is that our great country was not founded on the philosophy of moral relativism. The College Republicans at UNCG understand that. They need our support.

Novak on Republican Disaffection

Novak on Republican Disaffection

Republican malaise

The disaffection is such that over the last two weeks, normally loyal Republicans -- actually including more than a few members of Congress -- are privately talking about political merits in the election of Sen. Kerry. Their reasoning goes like this: There is no way Democrats can win the House or Senate even if Bush loses. If Bush is re-elected, Democrats are likely to win both the House and Senate in a 2006 midterm rebound. If Kerry wins, Republicans will be able to bounce back with congressional gains in 2006.

Rail: 3, Joe Citizen: 0

Rail: 3, Joe Citizen: 0

No kidding.

Does anyone under 40 expect to receive a dime in Social Security? If so, what are the smoking?

The third rail

This much is widely understood: Raising the retirement age and some other benefit reductions (including taking the exaggeration of inflation out of cost-of-living computations) will be necessary because tax increases to fund current benefit schedules would cripple the economy.

It is axiomatic -- meaning, true outside of Washington -- that everyone is entitled to his own opinion but not his own facts. Here are some facts, many of them gleaned from a new book from the MIT press, ``The Coming Generational Storm'' by Kotlikoff and Scott Burns of The Dallas Morning News. . . .

On Jan. 31, 1940, a check, numbered 00-000-001, for $22.54 was issued to Ida May Fuller of Ludlow, Vt., making her the first recipient of recurring monthly Social Security payments. Then, in an act of dubious citizenship, she lived to 100, dying in January 1975, having received $22,000 in benefits. That did not matter because in 1940 there were 42 workers for every retiree. Today there are 3.2 to one. In 2030 there will be 2.2 to 1. Nowadays, parents have fewer children than they used to, the children are geographically more dispersed and their sense of obligation is attenuated by distance and divorce.

Elder: Liberals Run from Label

Elder: Liberals Run from Label

No kidding.

Watch for them to use the term "progressive" whenever pressed. It probably tested better with focus groups.

The strange disappearance of the 'L' word

So, how does Kerry plan to avoid the liberal label? Why, he voted for NAFTA and GATT, enacted into law by former President Bill Clinton, and supported by every living ex-president as well as every living ex-secretary of state. Yet now he criticizes NAFTA and GATT, demanding that foreign countries impose labor and environmental standards. Now follow this. Kerry opposes Bush's handling of the war in Iraq, calling it "unilateralist." But one can unilaterally tell a Third World country to enact worker protection rights or that it must impose environmental standards.

Kerry, the anti-liberal, also blasts away at what he calls "Benedict Arnold CEOs"
-- those who "outsource" jobs to other countries. Never mind that Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan says free trade benefits the United States, and that, over time, American employment benefits "irrespective if we've had a trade deficit or a trade surplus, whether we've had high outsourcing or low outsourcing."

Regarding NAFTA, John Sweeney, a top trade analyst for the Heritage Foundation, found that a mere three years after NAFTA began, total trade between the U.S., Canada and Mexico had increased 43 percent, with U.S. exports to Canada increasing 33 percent, and exports to Mexico up 37 percent. "Hundreds of thousands of U.S. jobs have not been destroyed," wrote Sweeney, "the U.S. manufacturing base has not been weakened, and U.S. sovereignty has not been undermined. Instead, total NAFTA trade has increased, U.S. exports and employment levels have risen significantly, and the average living standards of American workers have improved."

Coulter on "The Passion" and The Media

Coulter on "The Passion" and The Media

In her usual over-the-top fashion, but the quoted paragraph, while funny, makes an important point.

The passion of the liberal

The other complaint from the know-nothing crowd is that "The Passion" will inspire anti-Semitic violence. If nothing else comes out of this movie, at least we finally have liberals on record opposing anti-Semitic violence. Perhaps they should broach that topic with their Muslim friends.

McElroy Skewers Million Mom March Numbers

McElroy Skewers Million Mom March Numbers

Using CDC statistics, Wendy McElroy absolutely destroys the claims of the MMM used in promotion of their upcoming Mother's Day event.

Do Gun Control Activists Pad Gun Death Statistics?

The first anti-gun MMM in 2000 attempted to redirect the focus of Mother’s Day from flowers and card giving to the gun deaths of children. The 2004 event continues this focus as its press release reminds us, "[W]ith memories of the horrible events at Columbine High School … people gathered [in 2000] on the Mall in Washington, D.C., to demand saner gun policies." The release quotes Mary Leigh Blek, the "president emeritus" of MMM, as saying that almost 14,000 children "have died from gun violence" since "our last march."

Where does that figure come from . . . ?

During 2001, the CDC reported a total of 157,078 injury-deaths. On their interactive Web site, if you click "Firearm" under "Cause of Injury," the figure becomes 29,573. For deaths in children, click on <1 as the lowest in the age range and 17 as the highest. Also select the "No Age-Adjusting Requested" option. The figure becomes 1,433. Multiplied by four, this is 5,732, or roughly 40 percent of what MMM asserts.

The 5,732 includes at least two categories of death that do not clearly belong because they do not clearly support MMM’s anti-gun arguments. That is to say, MMM’s use of death statistics coupled with calls for legislative control as a "solution" unmistakably implies that the cited deaths could have been prevented by gun control. It is misleading, therefore, to include deaths that would probably have occurred whether gun laws and, in some cases, whether guns themselves — were present. . . .

Maria Heil of the pro-gun Second Amendment Sisters comments on one of the misleading categories: "They [MMM] are not upfront that over half of those deaths are suicides. Suicide is not committed because there is a gun. Studies show that our suicide rate is on par with other industrialized nations, including ones with very strictly regulated guns."

Guns are merely one of many methods available.

The 5,732 also includes deaths that result from gang activity in which the guns are usually illegal. These deaths would not have been prevented by gun control any more than gang members’ drug use is prevented by drug laws.

The honest question for anti-gun advocates is, how many children’s deaths were "caused" by a lack of gun control . . . ?

(Moreover, "child" traditionally refers to someone who is pre-pubescent, pre-teen. That’s the image invoked by MMM’s references to "children" and to "playgrounds.") . . .

Changing the age parameters on the CDC site to register the gun deaths of children between <1 and 12 years old renders the number, 223 for 2001. Multiplied by four, this becomes 892 or about 6 percent of MMM’s asserted figure. Anti-gun advocates should be stating that, between 2000 and 2004, the gun deaths of 892 children could have been avoided through gun control or prohibition. With valid statistics that are properly used, real debate could then begin.

The figure of 14,000 child gun deaths closes off the possibility of honest debate. Indeed, the only way to arrive at that number at the CDC site is to include suicides and gang-related deaths, and to define a child as "anyone under the age of 21." In short, MMM has padded the statistics.

The death of any child is tragic and should not be diminished, but neither should it be used to political advantage. I believe this is what MMM is doing.

MMM hopes to create a groundswell of public outrage against guns. But, MMM should reconsider the inflation and skewing of statistics on dead children. As a strategy, it looks cruel and heartless and could easily backfire.

Bush's Ads

Bush's Ads

UPDATE: I just heard a new hour's report and they had Karen Hughes (this had been on before and I had forgotten, mea culpa; consider this the correction), a Bush spokeswoman say it was respectful. They also mentioned that the firefighters were "loyal to Kerry". This I do remember was the first time I had heard them mention this since early this morning.

I have watched the ads.

I have heard the ABC radio news mention them in every hour's news update.

I have heard them highlight how the wife of a 9/11 victim thinks it's a bad thing to include a scene of a flag draped body being carried from the wreckage by some firefighters.

I have heard them say that "firefighters also condemn the ad".

Funny how they never highlight people who think that Dem commercials are wrong.

I know people who have disliked commercials run by Kerry, the DNC, or Moveon.org, etc. But I have never heard, even once, the ABC Radio News quote someone who thinks they are wrong.

Funny, that.

As for the firefighters, ABC mentioned, early in the morning, that it was a firefighters union in NY (I believe that's correct, if anyone knows the particular group, please let me know and I will update this post) who disliked the ad. But all they have said for the past several hours has been that "firefighters" disagreed. A subtle shift to be sure, but psychologically significant for the majority of people who either did not hear the earlier admission of specificity or have not noticed and are simply taken in by the blanket implication that all firefighters think the ad, and thus Bush, is morally wrong.

Bush-Cheney '04 Announces First Television Ads


More on Judicial Activism

More on Judicial Activism

Liberals change tune on Constitutional amendments

The trouble with "living constitutions" is that of necessity they end up having no meaning other than whatever meaning judges read into them. Dead - or "enduring" - constitutions can be changed but they must change by popular consent. Liberals like McAuliffe, however, would prefer to leave the wording of the Constitution unchanged so long as they can control its meaning.

Kemp on the Third Rail

Kemp on the Third Rail

Cutting Social Security benefits isn't the answer

The only way to ensure the solvency of America's retirement system and guarantee workers a higher standard of living when they retire is to make every worker an owner. Transform Social Security into a pre-funded private investment program and finance it by allowing workers to place at least half the current payroll taxes into personal accounts, to which they have full ownership rights. The chief actuary of the Social Security Administration, Stephen Goss, recently scored a plan published by the Institute for Policy Innovation that meets all of the above criteria - large personal accounts, no tax increases, no benefit cuts - and concluded that workers owning large personal accounts would receive nearly 60 percent more in retirement benefits than Social Security currently promises.

Bio: Soros

Bio: Soros

The man who has devoted himself to outsing Bush. Some interesting history.

The Mind of George Soros

And what remedies did Mr. Soros suggest? As a first step, the creation of an international central bank; in the long run, nothing less than a transformation of how the world itself is governed. "To stabilize and regulate a truly global economy," he wrote, "we need some global system of political decision-making." Though it was neither "feasible nor desirable" to "abolish the existence of states," Mr. Soros conceded, nevertheless "the sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions. . . ."

This self-imagined messiah has now come to save the world from the America of George W. Bush and its war against terrorism. He is convinced that this is an unjustified war, contrived in response to events (the attacks of 9/11) that "should have been treated as crimes against humanity . . . requir[ing] police work, not military action." To say the least, it is a strange idea, and an even stranger role, for one who owes not only his immense fortune but also his freedom and even his life to America, and in particular to its willingness to confront those who have committed crimes against humanity with enough military force to defeat and stop them.

Marriage Issues

Marriage Issues

The Married State

When I become bored or irritated by the gay marriage battle--and I do, I sometimes do--I like to picture the writhing faces and hoarse yells of the mullahs and the fanatics. Godless hedonistic America, not content with allowing divorce and pornography, has taken from us our holy Taliban and our upright Saddam. It sends Jews and unveiled female soldiers to our lands, and soon unnatural brotherhood will be in the armed forces of the infidels. And now the godless have an election where all they discuss is the weddings of men to men and women to women! And then I relax, and smile, and ask my neighbors over, to repay the many drinks and kind gestures that I owe them.

Sowell on Lawlessness and Judicial Activism

Sowell on Lawlessness and Judicial Activism

Thomas Sowell investigates an issue near and dear to my heart: judicial activism and the flaunting of the law that accompanies it.

The problem with the gay marriage issue

When voters go to the polls this November, they need to consider not only what particular candidates will do in office but, at the federal level especially, what kinds of judges those candidates will appoint or confirm. There is no point complaining about judges -- or about taxes or any other laws or policies -- if you go into that voting booth on election day and vote on the basis of how candidates look or talk.

Voters Turn Against "Bush Is Dumb" Rehtoric?

Voters Turn Against "Bush Is Dumb" Rehtoric?

Bush-bashing: international sport?

Taken together, all this looks like an incoherent rant, a scream of rage against the Bush administration or "stupid white men," or chemical plants, or global warming, or political power in general. The aim may be to expose Bush as incompetent, stupid, and dangerous - but the anti-Bush brigades often do a better job of exposing themselves as politically lazy, cynical, and lacking in vision.

Indeed, if they aren't careful, such critics could prove to be Bush's secret weapon: The American electorate may tire of being cajoled and frightened into voting against Bush, rather than politically convinced to do so. Some might even be tempted to vote for him as a way of snubbing the critics who have patronized them. America's voters deserve better than this.

Pinkerton on Veep Issues

Pinkerton on Veep Issues

Now I could get behind a Condi Rice Vice-Presidency. Among other things, it would make it really hard for Sen. Clinton to win in 2008. She'd be running against the incumbent black woman to be the first female president. Not THAT'S a contest worth watching.

And the nominees for veep are ...

Rove closes: "You need a boost, Mr. President. That's why Cheney has to go. You should look beyond the usual suspects. You should Think Big, with either Condi or Rudy."

The meeting is over. Rove leaves the Oval, confident 43 is on board with the new program to cut loose every impediment to his own re-election. Dick, we hardly knew ye - but we knew ye well enough.

Gunshow Loophole?

Gunshow Loophole?

From today's Nealz Nuze by Neal Boortz.

Once again, folks. There is NO gun show loophole.

If you are a licensed gun dealer you are required to perform a background check on every person to whom you sell a gun ... whether that sale takes place in your store, by mail, or at a gun show.

If you are not a licensed gun dealer, in other words, if you are a private individual selling a gun that you own, you are not required to perform a background check on a person who buys that gun from you ... whether that sale takes place in your store, by mail, or at a gun show.

So .. where's the loophole? Same rules across the board.


America's Second Black President?

America's Second Black President?

Yahoo! News - Kerry Looking for Super Tuesday Triumph

"President Clinton (news - web sites) was often known as the first black president. I wouldn't be upset if I could earn the right to be the second,' he told the American Urban Radio Network.

Second Amendment Issues

Second Amendment Issues

I am an ardent supporter of Second Amendment rights. I wonder if the anti-gun rights folks out there will stop with so-called "assault weapons" (delinateated from other weapons primarily on cosmetic grounds)?

As for the "gun show loophole," does this mean, now, that I must run a background check on my brother prior to giving him a gun as a present? Do I have to run it only if I give it to him at a gun show or will it also be required if I give it to him at home?

The gun manufacturer immunity bill makes good sense to me. If you are for suing gun manufacturers who sell a legal product in a legal way and abide by all laws and regulations in selling that product, then do you also support suing car manufacturers (42,443)and alcohol distillers and brewers (19,857) for manufacturing their products which, used alone or especially when used in conjunction, cause more harm, injury, health problems, disease, impairment, disability, and death than the guns in the U.S. (29,573 total, 11,356 of which were suicides, leaving 18,217 as the number for other gun deaths including accidents)?

(You can find the relevant statistics here for the most recent year available - 2001. See pps. 10-11 for summary stats.)

Senate Democrats Score Wins on Gun Bill

WASHINGTON - The Senate voted Tuesday to extend for another decade a ban on military-style assault weapons and to require background checks on buyers at private gun shows, giving Democrats rare victories on gun legislation that would also deny crime victims the ability to sue gunmakers and dealers. . . .

Democrats argued that law enforcement officers and regular citizens all would be safer if the assault weapons covered under the bill continued to be banned. "These are weapons of war. They are designed to kill a lot of people quickly," said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., who authored the 1994 gun ban while in the House.

Warner, who voted against the gun ban in 1994, said the testimony from law enforcement officials in his state convinced him to vote Tuesday for renewing it.

"Law enforcement has shown that it has reduced the use of these weapons in crime, so my words pale in significance to the law officers of the four corners of the commonwealth of Virginia," Warner said.

President Bush has staked out both sides of the issue, calling for the reauthorization of the assault weapons ban while arguing against the Senate's adding it to the gunmaker immunity bill.

After other amendments, the Senate is expected to easily pass the gunmaker immunity bill. It would bar lawsuits against gun makers stemming from a crime in when a legally sold gun is used to commit the crime.

After Senate action, the measure goes to a House-Senate negotiating committee that will hammer out differences with the version passed by the GOP-controlled House last year.

Black Spongebob

Black Spongebob

Summary: a bunch of Spongebob Valentine's Day cards were misprinted in China. Spongebob is black instead of yellow on these cards and he resembles the old stereotype charicatures of black people from way back.

Now, check out what this woman has to say about it:

AN UN-FUNNY VALENTINE: Greeting card picture evokes race stereotype

Jemeka Garcia of Flint Township was skeptical of a mistake, in part because the cards appear to be well made. Garcia and her husband, Scott, complained to the Free Press earlier this week after their 6-year-old daughter discovered the different SpongeBob. The family purchased the cards at a Wal-Mart near their home so the girl could hand them out to her first-grade classmates.

So this woman thinks that American Greetings, a company that relies on its good image and public goodwill to sell its product, deliberately printed these cards so as to insult her and minorities?


Just because the printers in China were mistaken about the colors does not mean that they need be incompetent (so as to produce poor quality cards as well as miscolored ones.)




What a stupid name. Can't the media even PRETEND to have some imagination?

'Memogate' report delayed as new witness steps forward=The Hill.com=

Miranda said the affidavit corroborated his assertions that the Democratic documents were available to Republicans because of the negligence of Democratic technology staff, not GOP hacking.

Miranda also called on the Senate to make the entire report public. He learned in a meeting with investigators last week that Republican and Democratic lawmakers wanted to redact significant portions of the report, presumably to protect other staff members.

In recent days, the Sergeant at Arms’ investigation has focused on the Bush administration and whether the White House obtained the internal Democratic documents from GOP aides on the Hill to prepare for the defense of the president’s controversial nominees, according to sources familiar with the investigation.

The probe’s latest turn seems to reflect concerns voiced by Senate Democrats over the administration’s level of involvement in what some Democrats now refer to as “Memogate.”

Also yesterday, four Democratic senators — Leahy, Edward Kennedy (Mass.), Dick Durbin (Ill.) and Charles Schumer (N.Y.) — released a letter sent Friday to Attorney General John Ashcroft demanding to know whether the Justice Department was aware that GOP staffers had accessed Democratic files or were privy to information contained in those files.

Democrats sent a similar letter Wednesday to White House Counsel Alberto Gonzalez.

Yet no one says a WORD about the content of these memos. The BLATANT, UNABASHED, HATE-FILLED PARTISAN POLITICS that Dems used to turn this vital committee into a dangerous personal ambition.

Catholic Charities Must Provide Contraception

Catholic Charities Must Provide Contraception

FOXNews.com - Top Stories - Court: Catholic Group Must Provide Birth Control

But the Supreme Court ruled that the charity is not a religious employer because it offers such secular services as counseling, low-income housing and immigration services to people of all faiths, without directly preaching Catholic values.

In fact, Justice Kathryn Werdegar wrote that a 'significant majority' of the people served by the charity are not Catholic. The court also noted that the charity employs workers of differing religions.

The California Catholic Conference (search), which represents the church's policy position in the state, said it was disappointed with the ruling and feared that it could open the door to mandated insurance coverage of abortion.

'It shows no respect to our religious organizations,' said spokeswoman Carol Hogan.

The American Civil Liberties Union applauded the ruling and called it 'a great victory for California women and reproductive freedom.'

Actually, Mr. or Mrs. ACLU, what you have just done is deny health coverage to the employees of this and other charities. I can all but guarantee you that, if this ruling stands and if the charity continues to be a Catholic-based group, it will simply pay it's employees more and deny them health insurance as a benefit.

IOW - all the women that work for this and similar charities will be forced to buy independent health insurance at much higher rates since their employer will no longer pay for it.