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Parochial Pupils Pummel Pervert!

Parochial Pupils Pummel Pervert!

Pervert Presents Penis! Pre-teen Postulants Panicked? Pshaw! Perfectly Poised Proselytes Pursue Provoker. Pugilistic Parochial Pupils Pummel Pervert. Pint-Sized Protégé Posse Prevails! Pitilessly Pounds Persistent, Pathological Public Presenter!

Plaudits, Praise, Proost*! Populace Plans Pageant, Parade! Panoramic Pomp, Procession Proposed! Parents Proud!

Police Plan Prosecution. Punk Perturbed, Penitent. Perhaps Probation? Preposterous! Prosecutor Plans Protracted, Prolonged Punishment por** Pattern Problem Producer? Positively!

Politicians Promulgate Positions Proscribing Public Procreative Pumper Pointing.

*Dutch for "cheers"
** Spanish for "for"

NBC10.com - News - Catholic School Girls Chase Down Alleged Flasher

PHILADELPHIA -- Girls from a south Philadelphia high school had enough of a man who had been flashing them for weeks, so they decided to take action.

Police said the flasher had been doing his dirty business since Sept. 14 -- flashing girls at St. Maria Goretti High School.

Thursday, the girls saw the flasher again and fought back. They chased him, and with the help of a passerby, held him down until police could get there.

"Me and her started chasing him to 10th and Whitman and this dude hopped out of the car and grabbed him. And me and her were screaming, 'Don't let him go.'" And he was, like, 'Is this the flasher?' And we were, like, 'Yeh," said Stephanie Kapozic, a 9th grader.

The 25-year-old suspect will face charges ranging from stalking to harassment and indecent assault.

Junk Science: Forest Fire Roots

Junk Science: Forest Fire Roots

FOXNews.com - Views - Junk Science - California Fires Reignite Forest Thinning Debate

A bill currently under consideration in Congress calls for aggressive thinning on up to 20 million acres of federal land at high risk of fire. The bill would reduce bureaucratic reviews and limit appeals -- the tools environmentalists use to block rational forest management -- so that some thinning efforts could be completed within months.

President Bush urged the Senate to pass the legislation -- last May. “For too many years, bureaucratic tangles and bad forest policy have prevented foresters from keeping our woodlands healthy and safe,' said the president.

'This year's fire outlook seems less severe, and that's good news,' the president added. 'Yet the danger persists, and many of our forests are facing a higher-than-normal risk of costly and catastrophic fires.'
California is apparently one of the areas of elevated risk referred to by the president.

Putting aside the environmentalists’ general anti-industry -- especially anti-logging -- political agenda and accepting for argument’s sake their alleged concerns about the need to preserve “old growth forests” for “future generations,” the bill before Congress does not permit unrestricted clear-cutting of old growth forests.


Scrappleface Shoots - Scores! Dean a MetroPopulist!

Scrappleface Shoots - Scores! Dean a MetroPopulist!

ScrappleFace: Dean Says He's Not Metrosexual, but Metropopulist

Dean Says He's Not Metrosexual, but Metropopulist
(2003-10-29) -- Presidential candidate Howard Dean today renounced his previous confession of metrosexuality, and officially declared himself a 'metropopulist' -- a hot new buzzphrase for politicians who are "in touch with their average American side".

"I'm a wealthy former medical internist who also served as governor," said Mr. Dean, "So, I'm the ultimate power-elite insider. But that don't mean I can't relate to 'Joe and Jennifer Sixpack' -- you know, the average working stiffs."

While a metrosexual is a "dandyish narcissist" in love with himself and his lifestyle, a metropopulist becomes enamored with his own campaign-generated media image as a kind of noble savage.

"Sometimes I look in the mirror," said Mr. Dean, "and I roll up my sleeves and flex my neck muscles until the veins stand out, and I say to myself, 'Howie, you are one righteous prole! You're just like the little people who send you money through the Internet.' O yeah! I know what you want from government.'"

Spinning Poll Numbers

Spinning Poll Numbers

Am I missing something here or does a 12% difference in this poll not seem terribly large? Seems to me that having 69% of 18-29 year-olds plugged in to the political news is a GOOD thing. I would have guessed that it was much lower than that.

And if you add in the margin of error. the difference could be as small as 2%. (Or as large as 22%). Still, overall, this seems to me to be a good thing.

CNN.com - Poll: Young not in step with 30-plus crowd - Oct. 29, 2003

While 69 percent of Americans between 18 and 29 said they follow politics, 81 percent 30 and older said they do.

CNN's 'Crossfire' co-host Paul Begala said: 'If ignorance is bliss, then young voters are the happiest folks in America.

'One of the things that comes out of the CNN poll here is that they are three times less likely than their older peers to be plugged into issues and ideas,' he said. 'They are our future, and they are hopelessly ill-informed.'

Coulter on Liberals on Brown

Coulter on Liberals on Brown

Ann Coulter: The 'mainstream' is located in France

Among Bush's "many unworthy judicial nominees," the Times said, Brown is "among the very worst" – more "out of the mainstream" than all the rest! Even Teddy Kennedy, who might be well advised to withhold comment on a woman's position relative to a moving body of water, has described Brown as "out of the mainstream," adding, "Let's just hope this one can swim."

Liberals are hysterical about Justice Brown principally because she is black. Nothing enrages them so much as a minority who does not spend her days saying hosannas to liberals. . . .

Thus, for example, opposition to partial-birth abortion – opposed by 70 percent of the American people – is "out of the mainstream."

Support for the death penalty – supported by 70 percent of the American people – is "out of the mainstream."

Opposition to government-sanctioned race discrimination – which voters in the largest state in the nation put on an initiative titled Proposition 209 and enacted into law – is "out of the mainstream."

Opposition to gay marriage – opposed by 60 percent of the American people – is "out of the mainstream."

Failing to recognize that totally nude dancing is "speech" is "out of the mainstream."

Questioning whether gay Scoutmasters should be taking 14-year-old boys on overnight sleepovers in the woods is "out of the mainstream. . . ."

This proverbial "stream" they're constantly referring to is evidently located somewhere in France. . . .

(Bumper sticker version of the current Democratic platform: "Ask me about how I'm going to raise your taxes.")

Fortunately for liberals, soccer moms hear that a nominee is "extreme" and "out the mainstream" and are too frightened to ask for details. (Ironically, based on ticket sales and TV ratings, soccer is also out of the mainstream.)


Miller (D - GA) Endorses Bush

Miller (D - GA) Endorses Bush

Zell Miller Endorses Bush

SENATOR ZELL MILLER OF GEORGIA, the nation's most prominent conservative Democrat, said today he will endorse President Bush for re-election in 2004 and campaign for him if Bush wishes him to. Miller said Bush is 'the right man at the right time' to govern the country.



Tax increase spooks on the prowl - The Washington Times

How do the elites break down presidential resistance to tax increases? They do so by promising the moon. Tax increases, they say, will lead to huge reductions in interest rates, which will power economic growth and reduce unemployment. The rich only pay them anyway, which makes the president look like a populist. And tax increases are the price that must be paid to get spending cuts.

This last point is especially laughable. In 1982, Ronald Reagan proudly announced he was getting $3 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax increase. He later lamented that all he ever got were the taxes. 'Congress never cut spending by even one penny, ' Mr. Reagan complained in 1993.

Earlier this year, Mr. Reagan's chief of staff, James A. Baker III, wrote a sort of mea culpa in the Wall Street Journal, saying he had underestimated the positive economic effects of tax rate reductions. But he didn't repudiate his efforts to get Mr. Reagan to raise taxes. It will be interesting to see how Mr. Bush reacts when his staff tells him taxes need to be raised.


McElroy on Justice in Pre-Rape Trial Reporting

McElroy on Justice in Pre-Rape Trial Reporting

FOXNews.com - Views - ifeminists - Kobe Case Puts Victims' Rights on Trial

Two defenses are commonly offered for maintaining anonymity: to protect the victim from embarrassment; and, to encourage other victims to come forward.

The first rationale rests on the compassionate and sound belief that a rape victim should not be brutalized a second time. However emotionally compelling this argument may be, it fails because it assumes precisely what is in question. Is the accuser a victim? Is the accused guilty? Until the evidence has been openly examined, these questions cannot be answered.

Beside which, sympathy for a possible victim does not explain why equal consideration is not extended to the accused. After all, the accused is presumed innocent and, so, the reporting of his name may devastate an innocent life. If the victim's identity should be protected, so should the accused up until he is judged 'guilty.'

The second rationale for anonymity is to encourage accusers to come forward. There is nothing positive about increasing the number of accusations unless they are accompanied by standards that maintain the accuracy of reports and the rights of the accused. By loosening standards of accountability, false reports are likely to increase and, so, cause the sort of backlash we are witnessing today. People are concerned not only for victims who may be their daughters, they also worry about their sons who could be falsely accused. . . .

Veteran PC feminist Susan Estrich has noted this risk. In an Oct. 22 column for Creators Syndicate, she wrote: "From the perspective of the laws that protect victims' rights, this is a train wreck waiting to happen. You have the worst possible facts; the worst possible victim; the worst possible case for maintaining privacy. The 'nuts and sluts' defense has found its cover girl."

Next on FOX - When Babaies Attack

Next on FOX - When Babaies Attack

Headline news from Sky News - Witness the event

A Croatian woman has been charged with negligence after a 13-month-old toddler was bitten dozens of times by other babies at a kindergarten.

The attack occured when the woman, who has not been identified, allegedly left 14 children alone while she changed a nappy in another room.

While she was gone, one of the babies France Simic, received 30 bite wounds all over his body as the other children set upon him, police said.

Police said investigations were underway but it is not clear what prompted the babies to attack.




Myth vs Reality: The Truth About the USA Patriot Act

Do you believe the DOJ? Are you paranoid about the Patriot Act? Is it not paranoia but realism? Here's some more informaiton to help you decide.

Myth vs Reality: The Truth About the USA Patriot Act

The U.S. Department of Justice, in an effort to provide information about civil liberties protections, supervision by the federal court system, and to show how this law has contributed to America’s successes in the war on terrorism, has released the following detailed report.

3.31 MB file in PDF format (long download on slow connections).

Click here if you don't have Adobe Acrobat to read the PDF file.

Cell Phone Heaven?

Cell Phone Heaven?

Wireless number portability to start / Changing carriers could prove to be problematic

Like millions of Americans, Canton, Mass., attorney Steve Rosen is counting the days until a new federal policy lets him keep his existing cell phone number when he switches wireless carriers.

The Nov. 24 start of wireless number portability is expected to roil the competitive U.S. wireless sector. Surveys estimate that 25 percent or more of the nation's 150 million cell phone owners hope to switch carriers once they don't need to get a new number. . . .

When they make the switch, subscribers will not be able to use their new phone for incoming calls for anywhere from two to 24 hours. Opportunities to switch a landline home or business number to a wireless phone account will be sharply limited.

And the change takes effect Nov. 24 only in the 100 largest U.S. metro areas. Residents of other areas will have to wait until May.

Industry analysts and wireless executives worry consumer expectations may be too high. "There is not a chance that this will be a smooth transition for customers considering taking their number from one carrier to another in the first few weeks," said Eddie Hold, vice president of telecom services for Current Analysis Inc., a Sterling, Va., consulting firm.

"Many consumers that try this switch will find that they are in wireless limbo without a number for hours and potentially longer. My advice would be to hold out for a few weeks until the carriers have got initial kinks out of the systems," Hold said. . . .

"You'll see carriers having to compete harder on the value of the offer and the quality of service, just like in other service businesses," he said. He predicted some firms will make their customers go through hoops to terminate service. . . .

The Management Network Group, a national telecom consulting firm based in Boston and Kansas, estimates that up to 15 percent of all attempts to switch an existing phone number will fail. If an agent mistypes a single letter or digit in a customer's name and address, computerized systems will reject the transfer, the consultant said.

The group estimates that 30 million U.S. cell phone owners will want to move a phone number to another carrier in the next 12 months. They include 18 million who choose a new carrier because they can now keep their old number and another 12 million who would switch wireless carriers anyway -- for reasons such as lower price, better coverage or a more attractive phone.
Keeping the old number

Rosen, the Canton lawyer, estimates that hundreds of clients have his current phone number in connection with real estate ventures, a law practice and a wireless accessories business. Being able to keep the old number "is a good part of what's persuading me to make the move," Rosen said.

Many analysts forecast that Verizon Wireless, the largest U.S. carrier, with 34 million subscribers, will be a big net gainer because of its reputation for reliability. Nextel's DirectConnect walkie-talkie feature may make the carrier attractive to many businesses. Carriers with a high monthly subscriber loss, such as Cingular, Sprint and T-Mobile, are seen as the most vulnerable.

Counter-Tax Movement in Ohio

Counter-Tax Movement in Ohio

OpinionJournal - Outside the Box

If 97,000 Ohioans sign the Initiative, it would be best for the legislators to repeal the tax increase and trim spending. But if they don't have the courage to do that, with a second Initiative petition the voters can apply a two-by-four to the side of their heads in November 2004. Either way, the Blackwell effort will be good for the democratic process and good for the future economic well being of the people of Ohio.

We've Heard This Before

We've Heard This Before . . .

Yep. The Republicans were "gonna go nuclear" way back on May 7,2003 . . . hasn't happened yet. Wonder if they'll grow a pair and get something done about Bush's eminently qualified judicial nominees?

Robert Novak: GOP Judges Offensive

All this refocusing is intended to set the scene for a bitter battle in next year's session of Congress. At that time, an effort may be made to rule out of order a filibuster against judicial nominations -- the 'so-called' nuclear solution. This would require only 51 votes, but Frist does not even have that many today because of reluctance to tamper with the traditions of the Senate.

Whether or not Bill Frist's offensive eventually places any of these well-qualified judges on the bench, it will sound a stentorian refusal to surrender. That means a Republican president and a Republican-controlled Senate have not acquiesced in letting Ted Kennedy determine the membership of the federal judiciary. The battle resumes today.

Oh Thank {Insert Diety Here}

Oh Thank {Insert Diety Here}

Now we can all relax . . . Brad and Jennifer are going to take care of it.

Telegraph | After Tony and Kofi fail, Brad and Jennifer try Mid-East diplomacy

Bill Clinton failed, Tony Blair drew a blank and Kofi Annan made little progress. But now a team of Hollywood film stars is about to visit the Middle East on a private peace mission, in the belief that their charms will work magic on the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Brad Pitt, his wife, Jennifer Aniston, and Danny DeVito are among the stars who aim to succeed where world statesmen have stumbled.